High Alumina Cement

High Alumina Cement is manufactured by grinding the clinkers of alumina and calcareous material such as lime by fusing or sintering process. It was made to protect against chemical attacks and earlier it was used for marine structure. It is easy to produce and gain rapid strength therefore its usage has been increased.

Manufacturing process of High alumina cement is different than others. Bauxite and lime are the raw material. This raw materials are mixed in the in the required proportion and grinded into small fragments of 100 mm. Then this lump should be heated up at about 1600 °C in kiln. The molten material fall down on the steel plate and it is send to cool down in rotary kiln.  
Characteristic of High Alumina Cement

Ø  It is very resistant to chemical attack.
Ø  pH level is low.
Ø  It is high resistance to chemical corrosion.
Ø  It has a high durability in sulphuric acid.
Ø  Hardening property of this cement is fast.

Uses of High Alumina Cement

Ø  It is widely used in marine construction and sewer infrastructure as it has the property of gaining strength rapidly.
Ø  It also used in refractory concrete where high temperature is required.
Ø  Advantages of High Alumina Cement
Ø  It take more time to mix and place as it has more setting time.
Ø  It can withstand high temperature.
Ø  It is very reactive and has a very high compressive strength.
Ø  It has a good resistance against fire.

Disadvantages of High Alumina Cement

Ø  Manufacturing cost of this cement is high as for the manufacture of this cement, more heat is required.
Ø  It is very fine so care should be taken that it it doesn’t come in contact with human eye or mouth.
Ø  As the heat evolution while setting is high, it cannot be used in mass concreting works.


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Blog written by

Shruti Doshi
Technical Officer – Sanghi Cement & Blogger

Blog Managed by
Nirav Pandya
Digital Marketing Officer – Sanghi Cement


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